Friday, June 24, 2011

to fill the emptiness

Your life is filled with what you decide to fill it with. If your life is empty, that is because you don't have anything with which you wish to fill it. I have moments that are not only empty, but ones where i want to remove the things i've already filled it with.

That, is a depressing thing- wanting to empty your life on purpose, because you have decided that those things you thought had substance, were all illusions

and, maybe they are, but most likely they arent- but you are filled with such a self-hate that you want that emptiness.

You want some kind of "do-over" but you can't get it- no matter how much you empty yourself. You can't unlive your life. You have to deal with it.

Being a man isnt so much glorying in your deeds- Its owning your MISdeeds. And going forward. As much as you'd like to cast away your mistakes, they are very much a part of you. And, how much of a man you truly are- is determined by how you deal with your own foolishness of the past.


Turn and stand up to it.

You will never be able to run fast enough or far enough to forget your own sins.

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