Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fighting for my unbelief

New conclusion: Skewering them for their belief alone is never as productive or as effective as the following alternative method-

Skewer them on how shoddy their belief is, and on how poorly they themselves follow their own faith. If this is, indeed, their ultimate faith, how can they take it so much less seriously than we, the unbelievers, do?

Pointing out that their entire religious views make no sense only armors them for a battle for righteousness. Instead, point out how hypocritical they are in claiming such ultimate righteousness for their faith, and condemning the rest of the world to hell, when they treat their own faith more like a half-assed advertising campaign than by the rules that they claim lead you to everlasting torment or eternal bliss.

I mean, if I believed in that simple tenet, that all Christians (that I've ever met) seem to believe in- I would tread my life's path a little more carefully than they do.

I don't know "the truth". I don't claim to know That. But I can call Bullshit when I see it. And I will continue to do so.

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