Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Tao Of Tigger

Damn it all, I hate to admit it, but I miss them already.

I also hate to admit, that without my kids around, I really don't have much of a life.

Oh, well. Better to be bored than in another fucked up relationship. Everytime I feel like I need a woman in my life, I just go to Jesse's house. After 15 minutes of watching his wife run his ass around in circles and watch him justify her bullshit, I'm ready to file for divorce AGAIN lol.

Poor guy. Jesus, its almost abuse. But I guess to him it's better than nothing.

Thank you, but I'll have a doubleshot of nothing.

I'm going to drink a beer and go play video games now. And maybe watch some (gasp!) porn (oh noes!)

What's that sound I hear? Oh yes, its absolutely fucking NOTHING.


so nice

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