Friday, October 21, 2011

Greatest Drunk in the World

Some People Never go Crazy. What terrible lives they must lead.- Bukowski

Alcohol is probably one of the greatest things to arrive upon this earth, alongside of me- Bukowski

A writer has no responsibility- except to jack off in bed alone, and type a good page... (Of course, Bukowski)

Drink. Write. Fuck.

In that order of importance.


Faded said...

Honey, Drinking IS war.- Hemingway

Faded said...

Twas a woman who drove me to drink... And I never had the courtesy to thank her.- W.C.Fields

Faded said...

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend his time with fools.-Hemingway

Faded said...

I never drink water, because fish fuck in it... = W.C.Fields