Lord let my ass be an instrument of peace or some shit
White Motherfucker Self Defense
Bonus vid :
Prison Economy Spirals As Price Of Pack Of Cigarettes Exceeds Two Hand Jobs
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The attempted feminism of man
Comrade Kevin has some great posts on men trying to fight for women's equality, striving to be a male feminist, and getting accepted by the Female feminists as comrades... (sorry,Kev,that was lame but I couldn't resist)...
Something I'd like to see feminism address
Pramatism might be the better approach
Hat tip to Liberality for allowing me to re-discover Comrade Kevin's blog. I haven't seen his blog since my HOTRS days.
And since, this is my blog, where my opinion is the Word of God, here is the comment I posted on his Pragmatism post:
In my life, the less you argue with women, the better your life ends up being. Sometimes you can't even agree with them without getting your ass handed to you. Everytime I've told a group of female feminists that I'm a male feminist- I get the raised eyebrow treatment and end up being heaped with scorn and derision that I could ever consider myself as capable of empathizing with women.
So, I just gave up trying to convince them of my pure motives. When in the presence of a group of ardent feminists, I relegate myself to "just a man" status, and when the complex subject of gender equality comes up I don't attempt to insinuate my opinions beyond self-deprecatory comments of mollification. After all, I'm a member of the gender that has caused them so much pain and therefore, no matter what, I'm still "just a man."
Continue striving to be a feminist and fight the good fight for equality. But I myself quit trying to convince them I was on "their side". It doesn't have to be women vs. men, but women AND men together. If they could realize the only people on the "other" side are the men AND the women who believe that certain genders should be restricted on certain levels, this would be an easier task for all of us to accomplish.
Something I'd like to see feminism address
Pramatism might be the better approach
Hat tip to Liberality for allowing me to re-discover Comrade Kevin's blog. I haven't seen his blog since my HOTRS days.
And since, this is my blog, where my opinion is the Word of God, here is the comment I posted on his Pragmatism post:
In my life, the less you argue with women, the better your life ends up being. Sometimes you can't even agree with them without getting your ass handed to you. Everytime I've told a group of female feminists that I'm a male feminist- I get the raised eyebrow treatment and end up being heaped with scorn and derision that I could ever consider myself as capable of empathizing with women.
So, I just gave up trying to convince them of my pure motives. When in the presence of a group of ardent feminists, I relegate myself to "just a man" status, and when the complex subject of gender equality comes up I don't attempt to insinuate my opinions beyond self-deprecatory comments of mollification. After all, I'm a member of the gender that has caused them so much pain and therefore, no matter what, I'm still "just a man."
Continue striving to be a feminist and fight the good fight for equality. But I myself quit trying to convince them I was on "their side". It doesn't have to be women vs. men, but women AND men together. If they could realize the only people on the "other" side are the men AND the women who believe that certain genders should be restricted on certain levels, this would be an easier task for all of us to accomplish.
The Genius of "Reality"

Some quotes I found on Alternet:
“‘Reality’ is the only word in the English language that should always be used in quotes.”—Unknown
We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.—Werner Heisenberg
All great truths begin as blasphemies.— George Bernard Shaw
The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.— Archibald MacLeish
It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.— Giordano Bruno
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.— Democritus of Abdera
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.— John Maynard Keynes
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity...and I'm not sure about the universe.— Albert Einstein
And this little gem I found in an article by sci-fi fantasy artist Stephen Hickman
The Three Essentials of Genius
An eye that can see Nature,
A heart that can feel Nature,
And a boldness that dares follow it.
The Celtic Triads
“‘Reality’ is the only word in the English language that should always be used in quotes.”—Unknown
We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.—Werner Heisenberg
All great truths begin as blasphemies.— George Bernard Shaw
The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.— Archibald MacLeish
It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.— Giordano Bruno
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.— Democritus of Abdera
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.— John Maynard Keynes
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity...and I'm not sure about the universe.— Albert Einstein
And this little gem I found in an article by sci-fi fantasy artist Stephen Hickman
The Three Essentials of Genius
An eye that can see Nature,
A heart that can feel Nature,
And a boldness that dares follow it.
The Celtic Triads
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Letter to my daughters 4th grade English teacher
Edited - (My wife works for the school, so I made it a little more polite before I gave it to her Friday morning):
Ms. Stone,
I would appreciate it if you would keep your thoughts on politics to yourself and not aimed at your class of nine and ten year olds. My child repeated some of the slurs you made against our President and I am appalled that you would abuse your position of authority with these children to go on a political rant that was terribly misinforming.
I won’t deign to educate you on your misconceptions about which of our chief executives, past or present, is to blame for the poor state of the union at this moment. Let’s just say we can agree to disagree.
However, you aren’t teaching civics or politics. Write a letter to the Levelland paper if you need to vent, but please keep our children out of earshot of your rhetorical rants. I would prefer you to stick to the subjects the school pays you to teach.
Very Sincerely,
Christopher Kirk Berryhill
Ms. Stone,
I would appreciate it if you would keep your thoughts on politics to yourself and not aimed at your class of nine and ten year olds. My child repeated some of the slurs you made against our President and I am appalled that you would abuse your position of authority with these children to go on a political rant that was terribly misinforming.
I won’t deign to educate you on your misconceptions about which of our chief executives, past or present, is to blame for the poor state of the union at this moment. Let’s just say we can agree to disagree.
However, you aren’t teaching civics or politics. Write a letter to the Levelland paper if you need to vent, but please keep our children out of earshot of your rhetorical rants. I would prefer you to stick to the subjects the school pays you to teach.
Very Sincerely,
Christopher Kirk Berryhill
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tabula Smaragdina
The Emerald Tablet
The Smaragdine, or Emerald Table (Tabula Smaragdina) is a short alchemical work attributed by medieval commentators to Hermes Trismegistus. It first occurs in the writings of the Arab Jabir ibn Hayyan (i.e. Geber) who lived in the eigth century, but it has been thought to be much older (see Burckhardt). There were many manuscripts of it circulating at the time of Agrippa. Ortolanus (or Hortulanus) the alchemist wrote a commentary devoted to the Emerald tablet around 1350. It is worth noting that Trithemius quotes the Tablet in full in his letter to Germanus de Gonay, dated August 24, 1505.
The Smaragdine, or Emerald Table (Tabula Smaragdina) is a short alchemical work attributed by medieval commentators to Hermes Trismegistus. It first occurs in the writings of the Arab Jabir ibn Hayyan (i.e. Geber) who lived in the eigth century, but it has been thought to be much older (see Burckhardt). There were many manuscripts of it circulating at the time of Agrippa. Ortolanus (or Hortulanus) the alchemist wrote a commentary devoted to the Emerald tablet around 1350. It is worth noting that Trithemius quotes the Tablet in full in his letter to Germanus de Gonay, dated August 24, 1505.
Hargrave Jennings, in his introduction to a translation of the Hermetic writings by John Everard, relates the legend of the Tablet:
In a treatise attributed to Albertus Magnus, we are told that the tomb of Hermes was discovered by Alexander the Great in a cave near Hebron. In this was found a slab of emerald, which had been taken, from the hands of the dead Hermes, by "Sarah, the wife od Abraham," and which had inscribed upon it, in Phoenician characters, the precepts of the great master concerning the art of making gold.
In a treatise attributed to Albertus Magnus, we are told that the tomb of Hermes was discovered by Alexander the Great in a cave near Hebron. In this was found a slab of emerald, which had been taken, from the hands of the dead Hermes, by "Sarah, the wife od Abraham," and which had inscribed upon it, in Phoenician characters, the precepts of the great master concerning the art of making gold.
This inscription consisted of thirteen sentences, and is to be found in numerous alchemical works.
The Subject of the Tablet is the alchemical Great work, or as it is here described, "the work of the Sun". This may be regarded in the higher sense as the material death and spiritual rebirth of the soul, or in the lower sense as the physical transformation of base metal into gold. Agrippa admits in ch. XIV, bk.1, that he has participated in alchemical experiments and has succeeded in creating gold, but no more by weight than the quintessence of gold used in the experiment. But he certainly valued the Tablet more as a repository, in cryptic shorthand form, of the great Hermetic principles, particularly the second sentence, which sums up the entire philosophical ground of occultism in the Middle ages in a few words.
The Subject of the Tablet is the alchemical Great work, or as it is here described, "the work of the Sun". This may be regarded in the higher sense as the material death and spiritual rebirth of the soul, or in the lower sense as the physical transformation of base metal into gold. Agrippa admits in ch. XIV, bk.1, that he has participated in alchemical experiments and has succeeded in creating gold, but no more by weight than the quintessence of gold used in the experiment. But he certainly valued the Tablet more as a repository, in cryptic shorthand form, of the great Hermetic principles, particularly the second sentence, which sums up the entire philosophical ground of occultism in the Middle ages in a few words.
The version of the Smaragdine given here is based upon several translations of the Latin text, which is the one Agrippa would have had before him. In composing this version, consideration was also given to the Arabic text. This differs from the Latin in a few points of emphasis, but, it was not thought necessary to depart radically from the sense of the Latin version. The major variation between the two is in Sentence 10, which in Arabic reads: "Thus the microcosm was framed on the macrocosm." The words that translate "of the operation of the Sun" in sentence 13 can also mean "of the work of gold" (de operatione solis), emphasizing the double interpretation that is possible.
The version of the Smaragdine given here is based upon several translations of the Latin text, which is the one Agrippa would have had before him. In composing this version, consideration was also given to the Arabic text. This differs from the Latin in a few points of emphasis, but, it was not thought necessary to depart radically from the sense of the Latin version. The major variation between the two is in Sentence 10, which in Arabic reads: "Thus the microcosm was framed on the macrocosm." The words that translate "of the operation of the Sun" in sentence 13 can also mean "of the work of gold" (de operatione solis), emphasizing the double interpretation that is possible.
Some translators combine the first and second Sentences, making a total of 12, but I have preferred to separate the two to emphasize that the "truth" referred to in Sentence 1 applies to the entire Tablet.
Emerald Tablet
of Hermes Trismegistus
1. It is true, without falsehood, and most certain.
2. What is below is like that which is above ; and what is above is like that which is below: to accomplish the miracle of the one thing.
3. As all things were formed from one, by the thought of one, so all things are born from this one thing, by choice.
4. Its father is the Sun, its mother the moon, the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth.
5. It is the author of all perfection throughout the World.
6. The power is strong when changed into Earth.
7. Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subject from the gross, gently and with care.
8. Ascend from Earth to Heaven, and descend again to Earth, to unite the power of higher and lower things ; thus you will obtain the glory of the whole World, and the shadows will leave you.
9. This has more strength than strength itself, for it overcomes all subtle things and penetrates every solid.
10. Thus the world was framed.
11. Hence proceed wonders, which means are here.
12. Therefore I am Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of world philosophy.
13. That which I had to say of the operation of the Sun is perfected.
Emerald Tablet
of Hermes Trismegistus
1. It is true, without falsehood, and most certain.
2. What is below is like that which is above ; and what is above is like that which is below: to accomplish the miracle of the one thing.
3. As all things were formed from one, by the thought of one, so all things are born from this one thing, by choice.
4. Its father is the Sun, its mother the moon, the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth.
5. It is the author of all perfection throughout the World.
6. The power is strong when changed into Earth.
7. Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subject from the gross, gently and with care.
8. Ascend from Earth to Heaven, and descend again to Earth, to unite the power of higher and lower things ; thus you will obtain the glory of the whole World, and the shadows will leave you.
9. This has more strength than strength itself, for it overcomes all subtle things and penetrates every solid.
10. Thus the world was framed.
11. Hence proceed wonders, which means are here.
12. Therefore I am Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of world philosophy.
13. That which I had to say of the operation of the Sun is perfected.
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