Monday, May 27, 2013

Love Thine Enemy- for your own sake

Damn... reading about some despicable doings- 

Whatever "side" you find yourself on- DON'T let yourself become part of the problem. If you are a christian- Put what is right before your politics. If you are atheist- do the same. Don't become a part of the problem- It's easy to take the humanity away from your enemies, and, in doing so- allow yourself the ability to commit atrocity.

 Love thine enemy- and you kill the atrocity before it is borne- and before you allow yourself to justify committing it. If we can all do this- we might just save the world. It's a lot easier to hate than it is to love. I might just find a lot more to love about Jesus- IF i could find more christians who understood what the fuck he was talking about

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