Thursday, July 22, 2010

Conversations about Death and afterlife

(a short conversation with R, after listening to some Amitabha Buddhist philosophy)

Let my new spirit of patience and peacefulness extend to you in this, your time of need

thank you....

anyway- that Buddhism stuff is pretty enlightening. I could do without all the reincarnation and heaven-realms vs. hell-realms. i dont think there SHOULD be a reward in an afterlife.

wonder what the afterlife will be like

are we old

I believe that the truly enlightened thought should be that the reward for good karma is that life in the NOW is improved by the philosophy.


do we start all over again

do we know who we knew here

back to the dirt.

And another life replaces yours.

and your actions in life have either helped the world become a better place or a worse one. and the small piece of your evolutionary immortality is then complete.

or, passed on through all those subtle ways in which you have touched others who survive

so that they may in turn pass on those things to others

true humanitarian evolution

by centimeters, not miles

thats my theory, anyhow

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