Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Connigh ort

When you think you have nothing more to give

When you think you have nothing left

you half-ass want nothing more. You want it to be over, on some level

but you know it aint.

and everyone around you is quitting, in every fucking way, in every fuckng manner

and you hear the whispers in your ear - "lay down. rest. give up. give in. give it away."

and you just want peace. The peace of nothing. the peace of the grave. the glorious techni-fucking-color end to hang your hat on

And you lie down, in the dirt.
and you look up one last time, and say fuck it, fuck this, fuck everything.


and then you get pissed off at yourself, for finding that last little bit of you, that even YOU didnt know was there. And you pull yourself up, by your last little bit of will. And you dust yourself off

And you laugh at the bullshit of it all.

You can't quit. because you are addicted to the hell and the pain of it all.

Peace is for pussies.

1 comment:

Faded said...

this one is dedicated to Evan