Thursday, January 20, 2011

Office Politics

I like my job. I love my job duties. I hate working with these office barracuda bitches. But, as far as effort versus compensation- it's a perfect fit for me and my mindset right now. Could I go further? Sure, if I applied some office politickin' of my own. But I truly don't care for that. More responsibility equals greater pay but also incurs much more time and stress that would bleed over into my personal life.

I have achieved a high level of focus on my family right now- and its taken a good while to get where I am at - on the family front. Some people may not consider that a goal or even something to work towards- but to me, its my true occupation, even if the pay and the hours suck! lol. I work a lot of overtime, and I am driven to succeed and work at a high level (higher than my co-workers, most assuredly). But I don't feel the desire to put in that extra 10% over the 110% I already put in at work. And I sure don't feel the need to compete with the supervisors and the coordinators and the people over me.

That's a self-imposed level of stress I don't need. But i sure wish that those people who do desire that greater level of self-importance and "success" in their chosen occupation would rain less shit upon me in their own miniscule gamemanship to get up that corporate ladder- or even just hang on to the rung they are at.

I just don't give a shit about the daily game of who has usurped whose authority. This job, it pays the bills. Its not who I am, it's not what I am. It's not even really a part of who/what I am. It is a meaningless endeavor to line the pockets of someone else. I am a cog. I dont desire to be a pulley. Its just not that important to me in the grander scheme of things. I am a worker bee. I'm goood with that. To all the Queens of the hive- Let us work in peace once in a while. We don't subscribe to your theory of how the world works- so please, stop selling us that line of shit that is supposed to motivate US in your goal of domination. But I know they can't help themselves. And that's all part of it too.

Buzz. Buzz. back to work.

1 comment:

Msabcmom said...

I hate those Queens of the Hive. They are everywhere - can't escape!